The Use of Statistical Investigation in Assessing Students' Performance in Statistics

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  • Jessica T. Obrial De La Salle University, Philippines
  • Minie Rose Caramoan Lapinid De La Salle University, Philippines



Statistical Reasoning, Statistical investigation, GAISE framework, statistical understanding, statistical performance


The implementation of the K to 12 curricula brought changes in the Philippine Educational system. Among these is the inclusion of Statistics in the curriculum from preschool to Grade 11 of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) track. The purpose of this action research is to develop an understanding of students’ statistical thinking in order to help teachers improve their practice of teaching Statistics. Students’ level of statistical understanding and performance were mapped based on the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) framework. Each of the 11 groups of Grade 10 students performed a statistical investigation using different worksheets as their guide. The instruments used were observation field notes, students’ written reports, achievement test results, and interviews. Findings show a majority of students had low level of statistical understanding and performance. Students had difficulty in formulating research questions, used survey as the only means of collecting data, and had limited presentation of results and interpretation. The teacher's role was crucial in the development of students' understanding. The challenges and the merits gained from the experience served as motivation to the teacher-researcher to continue and improve the use of statistical investigation in the teaching practice.


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How to Cite

Obrial, J. T., & Lapinid, M. R. C. (2020). The Use of Statistical Investigation in Assessing Students’ Performance in Statistics. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 3(2), 47–54.