Paving the way for curriculum innovation through participatory action research in bilingual chemistry and bilingual biology lessons at German secondary schools: Results from a survey among teachers concerning their material demands

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participatory action research (PAR), bilingual chemistry education, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), cutting-edge curricular innovation research


This paper underlines the ongoing necessity of innovating school chemistry curricula in Germany, while acknowledging that both regular chemistry and CLIL chemistry lessons rely on the same governmental guidelines. In order to achieve curricular innovation successfully, cutting-edge curricular innovation research should be combined with participatory action research (PAR). There is no network of collaborating bilingual chemistry teachers. Therefore, a database of CLIL chemistry in Germany is created and a needs analysis is conducted to identify possible topics serving as starting points for innovation. The needs analysis focusing on the teachers’ demands as regards bilingual teaching materials addressed teachers of bilingual chemistry throughout Germany. The questionnaire comprises an open and a closed part. Additionally, CLIL biology teachers from North Rhine-Westphalia were included. The research reveals the respondents’ great demand in many key topics in chemistry and/or biology curricula. There is a particular interest in material for photosynthesis/respiration. A topical database of bilingual chemistry provision in Germany and bilingual biology provision in NRW was created. The survey helped select one innovative topic. Based on this, teachers will be recruited for PAR. Moreover, the teachers’ answers have reaffirmed current efforts into the development of bilingual chemistry teaching materials.


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How to Cite

Brunnert, R., Tausch, M. W., & Bohrmann-Linde, C. (2020). Paving the way for curriculum innovation through participatory action research in bilingual chemistry and bilingual biology lessons at German secondary schools: Results from a survey among teachers concerning their material demands. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 3(1), 17–23.